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Februar je tak mesec za crkljanje. Za nežnost. Za snežinke. Za razveseljevanje sebe in drugih. Vesela pa, da nekaj ‘frišnih’  UriKuri razglednic že počasi kličejo pomlad (klik). Kmalu pa seveda Pust, Pust širokih ust! Happy to announce that the limited edition of ”UriKuri Spring postcards” are now available in my shop (click). 

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Sheepie Rambo.

I received a kind mail from Kate with her photo of a sheep, called Rambo. Rambo used to live in Australia and Kate asked me if I could draw him. I said to myself: “Sure, why not, he’s so cute!!” I tried to paint him just the way he was from my point of view, courageous, persistent, strong but kind and soft-hearted at the same time. I really hope and wish that my painting reflects the correct image of him, do…

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