UriKuri v Novem mestu

Novomeške Mestne kvačkarice tudi letos, navkljub razmeram, ne nameravajo pretrgati svoje tradicije. Zatorej bo letos prireditev še bolj imenitna in navdahnjena z umetnostjo in rokodelstvom. ART TRŽNICA se bo odvijala na idiličnem novomeškem Glavnem trgu, v soboto, 4. julija 2020, od 9. pa vse do 18. ure. UriKuri umetnica in ostale slovenske kreativke in kreativci vas prijazno vabimo! Se vidimo!

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While travelling, my main ‘tools’, carried in my bag, are always: a book made with cold-pressed watercolour paper (usually Moleskine or Stillman & Birn), my water brush (any kind), a few pens and of course my water-colour paints (Schminke). Sketchbook as my mini diary of feelings and stories follows me everywhere, actually since I travelled around Egypt for one month in 2007. I decided to share with you some of my fun memories from my travels and vacations.…

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Sheepie Rambo.

I received a kind mail from Kate with her photo of a sheep, called Rambo. Rambo used to live in Australia and Kate asked me if I could draw him. I said to myself: “Sure, why not, he’s so cute!!” I tried to paint him just the way he was from my point of view, courageous, persistent, strong but kind and soft-hearted at the same time. I really hope and wish that my painting reflects the correct image of him, do…

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UriKuri Calendar 2015

Z veseljem predstavljam svoj prvi UriKuri stenski KOLEDAR 2015!  Pri samem oblikovanju koledarja je imela prste vmes odlična Janja s Tiskarskega Škrata, ki je tudi mojstrsko povezala svojo tipografijo z mojimi ilustracijami. Vsak mesec je poseben. Tudi zato, ker je malo moj. Naj bo 2015 Tvoje leto!   Natisnjen unikaten koledar zase ali za darilo lahko naročiš tukaj ali na urikuriart@gmail.com * * * I am so grateful! My first UriKuri Calendar is finally here (click). Each month is unique. Let 2015…

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Fox, Owls and other wild creatures do not bite you. They’re coming to the UriKuri ZOO shop. Just hunt!    

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The Hoopoe.

The hoopoe (upupa epops L.) is an old-word bird. It hails from Africa. And it brings wisdom. In oriental the hoopoe shelters Solomon. The king of the hoopoes asks of Solomon a reward for having shielded the king from the  rays of the sun. Solomon grants the request by bestowing golden crowns upon all hoopoes. This arouses the jealousy of the other  birds, causing them to persecute the hoopoes. They complain to Solomon, and he,…

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UriKuri new Postcards

If you want to suprise your friends, parents or put framed on kitchen wall : here are my new postcards of reproductions. For order please write info@urikuriart.si

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